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University Essays

Having assisted over 50 students to study academic concepts, ideas, and formats, our essays can be easily graded as Distinction.

The average number of words in essays ranges from over 15,000 words to 2000 words.


Academic Concepts

We can investigate important academic concepts that relate to common university essays.



By comprehensively understanding major formats adopted at universities, we can avoid making mistakes.


English expressions

Our reasoning style has to be clear, logical, and well-structured so that we can develop our arguments.

Here are the comments on my final master-degree thesis made by my professors. 

The thesis was graded with the highest mark among all students in the course.

Professor Baptista, Professor of Information System at the University of Warwick

Professor Beer, Professor of Operations Management at the University of Warwick

"You have done really well to have a critical argument throughout the essay in
relation to the literature. This was one of the best examples whyby you
Managed to engage with the appropriate academic concepts by using your
experience in the simulation."

"I especially liked the following argument "I argue that Michal's argument that
company should only adopt either one of the strategies lest they will stuck in the
middle is, in fact, not applicable in the automobile industry."
"The essay shows a very extensive and correct overall understanding of industrial
practice and there are appropriate links with other relevant business examples."

"The presentation and building of arguments and narrative is adequate and
The overall structure is relatively clear."

"The use of figures is very impressive. Your attention to detail and presentation
of very easy to read and at the same time content rich figures is recommended."

"You have also used an unconventional but innovative and value adding structure
for the argument. Well Done."
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